HDIP LA-ICP-MS Image Processing Software

Powerful Simplicity

The most powerful LA-ICP-MS imaging software on the market today

HDIP-2nd-image.jpgHDIP (HDF-based Image Processing) is a software platform designed to process imaging data stored in the HDF5 format. HDF5 is a popular, efficient, highly versatile format for storing large volumes of data in a variety of scientific fields.

The platform has a special toolkit specifically designed to process transient mass spectrometry data, with a specific emphasis on laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) imaging. This toolkit allows users to process complex LA-ICP-MS datasets in a reliable, transparent, and consistent manner in a matter of minutes. Basic and advanced algorithms are provided to process the data, and 2D and 3D data visualization and inspections tools enable the user to investigate the data in-depth. HDIP can export the results in publication-quality figures, animations, and many data formats. The platform was built from the ground up, and does not rely on third party frameworks like MATLAB or Igor Pro. Because the data format upon which the library can be readily inspected by many 3rd party tools, your data and meta-data is kept intact in a future-proof, self-describing, safe container.


List of features in HDIP:

Data import: Data can be imported from a broad range of LA-ICP-MS instrumentation and other microscopy techniques.

Project-based data structure: data and metadata, including images, are stored in an open format HDF5 file. 

Automatic raw data backup

Data export

Streamlined image reconstruction and LaserTrace analysis

AutoPilot: fully automated image reconstruction.

Preview: inspect your data intermittently during a run

Optimize: predict the settings of your ICP-MS prior to mapping

Specialized data reduction methods

Advanced background correction methods

Drift correction based on bracketing

Data restoration approaches: convolution, deconvolution and denoising

Advanced false color map editor

3D viewer

3D image reconstruction by 2D slice registration

Manual and automated voxel selection

Multi-standard external calibration with internal standardization

Multivariate data analysis

Binary Masking

Image filtering

Manual/Automatic peak integration and peak analysis

Outlier rejection

Channel calculator.

Matrix transforms: arrays can be cropped, expanded, rotated, transposed, scaled, flipped,…

Spreadsheet tool